
An outstanding Malaysian in service to the people

LETTERS: I read with great interest the news report on the launching of the biography Call Lee Lam Thye: Recalling a Lifetime of Service, by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor.

It is a great honour to Tan Sri Lam Thye. The sultan has given accolades to Lam Thye although he sought no rewards, or recognition. He simply lived by his motto — "Service above self".

I have known Lam Thye since 1981 and am fully aware of his genuine concern for issues faced by the rakyat from all walks of life, and irrespective of race, colour or creed.

The right thing that he did was to not include details of his political past in the book. I know it is not his nature to wash dirty linen in public.

The book has documented Lam Thye's more than half a century of relentless, tireless and unrestrained service for the people.

He started with one political party and when he quit, he did not hop into another party, but went solo as an activist and worker for the betterment of Malaysians.

He had truly proven that one could still serve independent of political involvement. And that is where Lam Thye stands out as an outstanding worker for Malaysia. Serving the people was in his veins.

His statement, "The only thing that can stop us from making a contribution is our selfish desires" speaks well for his noble intentions. The book underscores the importance of service to the people and nation.

Congratulations to Lam Thye for leading the way and showing the path of service to the nation as a true



Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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