
Vital to watch food intake

LETTERS: THE call by Deputy Health Minister Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni for increased attention and commitment to prevent and reduce the spread of diabetes is timely.

The government needs to take drastic measures to make the people understand the dire consequences of consuming excessive sugar.

Only when the subsidy for sugar is removed will the people learn to reduce their daily intake of sugar.

Besides removing the subsidy for sugar, the Health Ministry, together with the consumer associations, must ensure that restaurants set different prices for beverages with and without sugar.

For example, when a consumer orders coffee without sugar, the operator should charge a lower price.

Similarly, when a consumer requests less rice to be served for health reasons, the person jotting down the order should take note of it.

Consumers will vouch for it as the move will not only save them money but also create a health-conscious society.

Besides good dietary practices, daily exercise is just as important to combat diabetes.

A concerted effort must be made by all parties to fight diabetes and obesity. We don't want Malaysia to top any global list for the wrong reasons.


Klang, Selangor

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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