
Acid attack victim Faisal Halim receives surprise visit from Tun Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR: National footballer Faisal Halim, who is recovering from a horrific acid attack, received a surprise visit from former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at his residence in Shah Alam on Saturday.

Faisal posted on his Facebook page that the visit from Tun Mahathir was unexpected and very surprising.

He added that he and his family are very grateful for the concern shown by Tun Mahathir, who took the time to check on him and his family.

"I never imagined receiving a visit from such a great person today. Thank you, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for taking the time to visit me and my family," posted Faisal.

"InsyaAllah, I will remain steadfast and work hard to return one day. Thank you all for your prayers."

The 26-year-old winger was attacked by two unidentified assailants at a shopping centre in Damansara on May 5. The perpetrators have yet to be apprehended by the police.

The attack, which saw Faisal suffering fourth-degree burns, sent shockwaves through the Malaysian football community and beyond, sparking a global outpouring of support.

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