
Flu shots vital for senior citizens

LETTERS: The Malaysian Influenza Working Group welcomes the Health Ministry's plan to provide free annual influenza vaccinations for older persons under the National Immunisation Programme, beginning 2025.

This is important as older persons experience a decline of immunity as they age and, unlike healthy adults, they often do not show regular symptoms when infected by influenza.

Instead, they could experience other symptoms, like a decline in health and increased risk of fall injuries.

Influenza is much more serious than a cold. In fact, it can be deadly.

And while everyone, including young and healthy people, are at risk of influenza, it often takes a much heavier toll on older adults.

All it takes is one infection to increase the risk of heart attack by 10 times and stroke (caused by a blood clot) by eight times.

Older persons are also more likely to experience complications, such as pneumonia, inflammation of the heart and sepsis.

These often require hospitalisation and may even lead to death.

In fact, up to 70 per cent of influenza-related hospitalisations and 85 per cent of influenza-related deaths occur among those 65 and above.

Furthermore, the risk of influenza-related deaths increases with the presence of more than one non-communicable disease (NCD), which is the case with many older adults.

This risk of influenza-related death increases by 20 times in those with heart and pulmonary disease, five times in those with heart disease, and three times in those with diabetes.

Furthermore, influenza infection could worsen or complicate NCD symptoms, such as exacerbating diabetic symptoms, causing fluctuations in glucose levels.

These risks are well acknowledged, so much so that Thailand, Laos, the Philippines and Singapore have begun offering free influenza vaccines to older persons.

While we look forward to this in our country, I urge Malaysians to take action sooner rather than later to protect themselves and their loved ones against influenza, as the influenza virus circulates year-round in tropical climates like ours.

The threat, therefore, is always present.

Southeast Asia is ranked third highest in influenza-related deaths but only two to three per cent of Malaysians are vaccinated against influenza.

The influenza vaccine has been around since 1945, with extensive research supporting its safety records.

Protecting ourselves and our loved ones with an annual shot would help to reduce severe illness and its complications, the cost of treatment and management, as well as the corresponding burden on healthcare practitioners and resources.

Most importantly, influenza vaccinations can help save lives.

Although the influenza vaccine is well established in many parts of the world, a recent Ipsos survey in Malaysia involving around 600 respondents aged 65 and older highlighted that more awareness is needed to dispel common fears and misconceptions.

For example, 52 per cent still feel that influenza is only a concern in cold climates, and though 70 per cent were aware that it can be prevented through vaccination, 64 per cent were concerned about serious side effects, with 28 per cent believing the misconception that the influenza vaccine was not suitable for people their age.

In addition, 69 per cent believed they were already protected through the Covid-19 vaccine.

With these thoughts being prevalent, it is hardly surprising that vaccination ranked a lowly eighth in self-care practices.

Malaysia is moving towards becoming an aged nation by 2043, with 15.3 per cent of our population aged 60 and above.

So the burden of influenza on older persons is a public health concern.



Malaysian Influenza Working Group,

Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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