
An open letter from Ultras Selangor to FAM

I'm writing to you as a deeply concerned fan and supporter of Malaysian football to express my profound dissatisfaction with the recent decision to impose a RM100,000 fine on Selangor FC, three points deduction and to mandate that they play their next match without fans.

This decision is not only excessively harsh but also undermines the spirit and integrity of Malaysian football.

Selangor FC has a storied history and a passionate fan base that contributes significantly to the vibrancy and excitement of our national league.

Penalising the club in such a severe manner not only impacts the players and management but also punishes the loyal fans who live and breathe for their team.

It is worth noting that even His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Selangor, has commented on this matter, highlighting the unfairness of the decision.

The Sultan's remarks reflect the sentiment of many who believe that this punishment is disproportionate and unjust. The action of Shahril Mokhtar resigning from FAM vice president post brings a loud and clear message to FAM decision; it is unjust and unreasonable.

Moreover, the players of Selangor FC are still recovering and traumatised from the recent Faisal Halim's acid-spill-attack incident. This incident has already taken a significant toll on the team, both physically and mentally. Even overseas teams sympathise and wish him a speedy recovery.

Thus, when by imposing such a severe penalty at this time only exacerbates their difficulties and hinders their recovery process.

The punishment of playing behind closed doors deprives fans of their right to support their team and strips the match of its atmosphere and energy.

It is the fans who bring life to the stadiums, and their absence will be felt not just by Selangor FC but by the entire Malaysian football community.

Furthermore, the RM100,000 fine is an enormous burden that will strain the club's resources, affecting its ability to invest in player development, facilities, and community initiatives. This decision appears disproportionate to the alleged offence and sets a troubling precedent for future disciplinary actions.

We understand that rules and regulations are essential for maintaining order and fairness in football. However, the punishment must fit the offence and consider the broader impact on the football community.

In this case, the decision seems to lack such balance and fairness. I urge the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) to reconsider this decision and engage in a more constructive dialogue with Selangor FC to find a fair resolution that addresses any misconduct without disproportionately harming the club and its fans.

We, the fans, remain committed to supporting our teams and promoting the growth of Malaysian football.

We hope that the Football Association of Malaysia will also demonstrate a commitment to fairness, transparency, and the well-being of the entire football community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Ultras Selangor

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