
Beaufort family seek refuge on bed as flood waters rise

BEAUFORT: Faced with a choice of abandoning their house or staying put, a family from Kampung Bakalau here decided to opt for the latter and spent the night huddled on a bed surrounded by rising flood waters.

While no strangers to floods, the experience was nevertheless a unique one for Hasimah Agis, 28 and her family.

She said Kampung Bakalau is a frequent target of floods due to its proximity to the river. Floods, she said, can happen up to four times a year.

However, she said the latest floods were more severe in its intensity.

Hasimah was at home with five other family members, including three younger cousins, when the latest floods struck.

The water, she said, rose to beyond calf level.

"We tried to salvage our furniture and electrical goods by placing them on higher ground so they would not get damaged.

"My family and I also decided not to move to the temporary relief centre because we were worried about the house," she said.

Hasimah said the family then decided to huddle on a bed, surrounded by flood waters. However, she had earlier sent her three cousins, aged between three and seven, to relatives' homes for their safety.

"We are grateful that the flood has receded since morning (today) and we have already cleaned the house.

"Nonetheless, we are still keeping a wary eye on the situation as the waters from Sungai Padas that spilled over to the village is still at an alarming level," said Hasimah.

She said some areas in the village were still neck-deep in flood waters but the situation is expected to improve in the evening.

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