
Housewife opens small food bank in front of Putatan house [NSTTV]

PUTATAN: A housewife has opened a mini food bank in front of her house to help those affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Zurainee Kula, 48, said, though the effort was only a small contribution to the community, she believed it would be very meaningful for those in need.

"Initially my family and I set up tents that provided basic necessities. However, the situation went out of control when I started uploading details of the mini food bank on Facebook.

"We then had to change the concept of assistance by providing food baskets and take coupons to avoid any confusion," she said, adding the mini food bank has only operated four times since July 13.

The mother of seven said she and her family were initially only able to provide 20 baskets of food, but more family members and close friends came forward to give donations.

Zurainee said she was grateful and did not think the effort, which at first seemed small, could attract the attention of many to participate in helping the needy.

To avoid complaints, she said she had obtained permission from the police and Putatan District Council.

"We have asked permission from the authorities and the police, both said that no permit was required if they wanted to open a food bank.

"However, the police asked us to apply for permission from the Putatan District Council and thankfully so far everything is going well."

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