
Five-month-old boy, suffering from various chronic illnesses, needs fund for treatments

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Association for the Welfare of Mentally Challenged Children (IQ70plus) is seeking public donations to help a 5-month-old baby boy who has been suffering from various chronic illnesses since birth.

IQ70plus spokesman Vin Lee said the association hoped to raise RM75,000 to cover Le Le's heart surgery, speech therapy, foot treatment, medical follow-up and formula milk.

"Le Le is suffering from schizencephaly, a rare congenital brain malformation which may cause a high probability of severe brain dysfunction such as cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, severe developmental delay and seizure disorder.

"He also has ventricular septal defect. Besides, the valve between his right heart chamber and lung arteries is very narrow so his heart needs to work harder to make sure that the blood circulation in his body is normal. That will be a huge burden for his heart and his body.

"In early July, when we sent him to the hospital for a treatments and series of check-ups, the doctor mentioned that it's necessary for Le Le to undergo a heart surgery. We have to prepare approximately RM50,000 for the operation," he told the New Straits Times, recently.

Lee said Le Le was also facing the risk of blindness due to anterior segment dysgenesis disorder.

"Baby Le Le is also suffering from bilateral congenital talipes equinovarus, the deformity of his ankle joints.

"He is currently undergoing serial splinting therapy, using plaster to secure his leg and straighten the deformity. He needs regular follow-up to change the plaster every week, and each time it will cost approximately RM400.

"He is relying on a feeding tube to consume milk. We have begun speech therapy in the hope that the feeding tube can be removed as soon as possible and train him to eat with his mouth," he said.

Lee said the association was not able to continue paying the fees for Le Le as the amount of donations the association usually received was drastically reduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"IQ70plus is currently taking care of 71 special needs children. We don't ask their family for fees to take care of their children as they are underprivileged families.

"Our monthly expenses, almost RM100,000, solely come from public donations.

"However due to the pandemic, donations we received recently drastically reduced and our reserves may not be able to sustain everyone for long. Hence, we are incapable of paying the huge treatment fee for Le Le," he said.

Those who wish to donate can call or WhatsApp Lee at 016-223 8588 or email to

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