
GE15: Anwar plays down claims of internal bickering among PH component parties

BANGI: Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has denied claims of internal conflict among component parties in the opposition coalition.

This, following the decision by PKR to field Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) members -- Nik Omar Nik Abdul Aziz and Datuk Husam Musa -- on the party's ticket in the 15th General Election (GE15).

Anwar said the matter was "not an issue" as Nik Omar and Husam were still under the PH umbrella.

"Not a problem. Nik Omar is contesting under the PH banner and the constituency has been given to PKR.

"He (Nik Omar) felt that it was not suitable for him (to contest) in Kelantan, so we made way in Pasir Salak because we feel his personality can help him win.

"Husam, meanwhile, is Tuan Guru Nik Aziz's close friend and student, so he is placed in Pasir Mas," he said, referring to the late Pas spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Anwar was speaking after officiating the 16th Wadah Kecerdasan Umat Malaysia Muktamar here today.

Nik Omar is the son of Nik Abdul Aziz, who was Kelantan menteri besar.

Last night, PKR officially confirmed that Nik Omar would be contesting on the party's ticket in Pasir Salak, while Husam would be fielded in Pasir Mas.

It was previously reported that Nik Omar would be contesting in Perak under the PH banner. His name, however, was not listed in the announcement made by Perak Amanah, and this had raised questions on his status as a GE15 candidate.

Husam resigned from the post as Amanah deputy president on Sept 6, 2020, but remains a party member.

Asked on the membership of both Nik Omar and Husam, Anwar briefly said: "Let PH win first."

He also added that the ties among parties in PH were very good and strong.

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