
Solve problems in your own states first before dreaming about taking over Penang, PN told

BUTTERWORTH: Perikatan Nasional leaders should "look in the mirror" first before trying to win over Penang in the upcoming state election.

Penang PKR Youth chief Muhammad Fadzli Roslan said these leaders should focus on the problems the people in states they controlled first before even dreaming of taking Penang.

He said they should be worried that the unity government will take over their states if they continued to fail to solve the problems there.

"Forget your ambitions to take Penang, if you can't even look after your own states. PN should prove their successes in their own states before even dreaming of taking over Penang.

"I am confident the people of Penang are smart enough to differentiate between 'diamonds' and 'glass'," he said in a statement today.

Fadzil said claims that PN will take at least 15 state seats in the upcoming election were the work of daydreamers.

"The Penang government under Pakatan Harapan has done a lot to help the rakyet in many issues.

"Since 2009, RM33.2 million has been spent on the development of Islam in the state and the amount is increasing every year, with the 2023 Budget for Penang showing an increase as well, to RM75.08 million," he said.

He added that the state government had built 136,333 affordable homes between 2008 and last year and had further developed the industrial sector, increasing the number of jobs available to the people not only in Penang, but also Kedah and Kelantan.

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