
#Showbiz: Faizal Tahir's 17th anniversary concert a blast for fans [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: Popular singer, songwriter, music producer and composer Faizal Tahir marked his 17th year as an entertainer with a two-hour concert at Dewan Merdeka, World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur here today.

His 8.30pm concert Aku Faizal Tahir Live In Kuala Lumpur was organised by JioBuddy and saw him perform 21 of his popular songs, such as Santai, Gemuruh, OK, Ragaman, Sampai Syurga, Assalamualaikum, Cuba, Karma, Bencinta and Mahakarya Cinta.

Faizal's guest artiste was veteran actor and comedian Sabri Yunus with whom he sang a Dikir Barat-style duet version of his patriotic song Negaraku.

Throughout the concert, Faizal, 45, shared interesting stories behind his songs and paid tribute to various people who helped him along his musical journey.

"I chose World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur for my concert as this venue brings back lots of fond memories, it was here that I had my first major performance.

"And I love this cosy and intimate concert hall with a superb sound system," he told the 2,000-odd guests who sang along, swayed and waved to his songs.

The award-winning One In A Million Season One (OIAM1) runner-up described his concert as a journey through time, from his early days as a singer to the success that he is today.

"This show is specially dedicated to my loyal fans who have supported me since OIAM1. I love you guys and cannot thank you more," he said.

Kuala Lumpur-born Faizal, whose family hails from Kuala Terengganu, said he did not want to be merely known as a popular singer but also one who had grown with experience and had his life shaped by his art for the better.

Part of proceeds from the concert will go to his humanitarian non-governmental organisation I Am Faith Men.

Among the celebrity guests who attended the concert were pop queen Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza and her businessman husband Datuk Seri Khalid Mohd Jiwa, singer-actor Aliff Satar and singer Misha Omar.

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