
#Showbiz: Alena Murang, Velvet Aduk release 'Bejugit Betanda Menari' in conjunction with Gawai celebrations

KUALA LUMPUR: Sabahan singer-songwriter, Velvet Aduk, and Sarawak's sape songstress Alena Murang have joined forces to release a new song Bejugit Betanda Menari (Dance Dance Dance).

The upbeat and catchy track was released yesterday in conjunction with the upcoming Hari Gawai festival this weekend which is celebrated by the Dayak community in Sarawak.

Written in Bahasa Iban and Bahasa Malaysia, the song represents the first collaboration between the two artistes.

"We've been planning to write a song together and this year's Gawai seemed like the right time.

"The song is about gathering for the celebration and having a good time laughing, chatting and dancing," said Alena in a recent statement.

She added that the new track also features some subtle Bahasa Dusun lyrics, a nod towards Velvet's heritage.

"We had a lot of fun writing this song together and we hope that listeners will enjoy it.

"We would like to wish Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai to all those who celebrate," said Velvet.

Alena is known for her ability to connect audiences with the rich cultural heritage of the Sarawakian people through her mesmerising sape playing and storytelling.

Velvet celebrates her Sabahan heritage through her musical prowess and viral hit songs.

The dynamic duo from Borneo hopes their song will resonate with listeners of all ages.

Bejugit Betanda Menari is now available on all major streaming platforms and its accompanying music video can be viewed on YouTube.

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