
#SHOWBIZ: P. Ramlee royalty issue complicated by international agreements, says M. Nasir

KUALA LUMPUR: Composer Datuk M. Nasir has described the issue of royalty payments to the heirs of Tan Sri P. Ramlee as complicated due to international agreements.

Nasir, 67, said that Ramlee's royalties, the payment of which ended last year five decades after the entertainment legend's death, could still be claimed by some of the lyricists who worked with him.

"The heirs of some of the lyricists who had collaborated with Ramlee can still receive the royalties," said Nasir in an interview with Harian Metro yesterday.

"The royalties issue also needs time to resolve as it also involves international agreements."

Nasir was met at the opening ceremony of the art exhibition "Sesat Di Kuala Lumpur, Lagunya Begini, Tampaknya Begitu — M. Nasir" at Galeri Puteh in Jalan Bangsar here yesterday.

The exhibition was opened by the daughter of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Nurul Izzah Anwar.

On another note, Nasir said that the unauthorised use of the intellectual property rights of Ramlee's wife, the late Puan Sri Saloma, gave her heirs every right to take legal action against the individuals who used her songs without their knowledge.

"As far as we know, she did not create songs but performed them, and most of her songs were created by Ramlee," he said.

The exhibition runs from June 10 to June 30 and features 60 paintings.

All the paintings are inspired by Nasir's songs.

Among the artists are Nasir, Rafiee Ghani, Ahmad Fuad Osman, Masnoor Ramli, and Ika Sharom.

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