
#SHOWBIZ: Step up film appreciation efforts at varsities — Fahmi

COMMUNICATIONS Minister Fahmi Fadzil welcomes local film appreciation programmes by public universities as a good way to encourage students to support local films.

These, he said, need to be intensified especially for students majoring in film production, who are the future players in the country's film industry.

"Every film that is made in Malaysia is a sound contribution to the country's creative industry, a work of art that needs to be appreciated and recognised for its content, especially its educational content.

"The journey of producing a film is never easy. Not to mention one based on history or real-life stories of extraordinary courage that inspire all Malaysians," Fahmi said at an appreciation ceremony for the historical film 'Pagari Bulan' at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.

"We in the ministry hope that more film appreciation programmes will be conducted by public universities, as well as private ones around the country.

"These (programmes) provide space and opportunity for film production students to gain knowledge and expand their filmmaking skills by understanding the points of view of actors, as well as the ideas and thoughts of film producers and directors."

The 'Pagari Bulan' appreciation ceremony was organised by students of the Intercultural Communication Seminar under UKM's Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, in collaboration with production company Eleven Field Creative, and supported by the National Film Development Corporation of Malaysia (Finas).

Fahmi said film appreciation could give film students the opportunity to understand aspects of filmmaking more deeply through workshops and forums involving artistes, filmmakers and invited panels consisting of film lecturers, established actors and outstanding film directors and producers.

"I strongly support this kind of effort, which is a smart partnership between academicians and filmmakers.

"The ministry, through Finas, will continue to provide support for film screenings at universities.

"If possible, we want to hold more film appreciation ceremonies by touring university campuses so that more students can participate.

"There are universities that have creative technology and film faculties, for which film appreciation ceremonies are always important.

"They can also foster a close relationship between academics, filmmakers and film stars," he added.

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