
#SHOWBIZ: Aliff Aziz taking 'emotional break' from acting, wants to reconnect with family [WATCH]

KUALA LUMPUR: Singer and actor Aliff Aziz says that he has been deeply affected by what happened to him, leading him to taking a temporary break from acting.

He said he will take a "mental and emotional break" and spend time with his family in Singapore before deciding to return to work.

"Right now, I am taking a lot of time to rest mentally and emotionally.

"I am aware of how it may seem to some people, as if I am the victim here and suffering the most. It's not like that at all. I am just an ordinary person who has made a lot of mistakes, so I am taking time to rest mentally and spend time with my family.

"There are a few things I am slowly working on myself spiritually and to be closer to family. Occasionally, I travel back and forth to Kuala Lumpur," he shared.

Aliff also clarified that his decision to take a break does not mean he has no job offers.

"Taking a break doesn't mean rejecting offers or that there are none, but I choose to pause for a moment so as not to rush into any career or other decisions. So, I am more into resting and singing a lot to entertain myself," he said.

When asked about his current financial situation, Aliff said he still has savings to continue his life.

"Alhamdulillah, I still have some savings. Previously, I had some good fortune and some things that I cannot mention. Anyway, please pray for the best for me," he said when met after the mention of his khalwat (close proximity) case at the Kuala Lumpur Shariah High Court here today.

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