Sunday Vibes

Rojak pride, rojak nation

First, they hosted ‘rojak’ parties where guests savoured popular Malaysian dishes while having their black and white photo portraits taken for the purpose of transforming them into something creative and colourful. A smiling man crafted out of kuih lapis. A lady’s head composed from char kuay teow. Another portrait fashioned from cendol ingredients!

These edible and mouth-watering food portraits were part of a wider effort by The Rojak Projek to unite Malaysians by spreading awareness and a positive understanding of the amazing diversity in our country.

Born from a desire to rise from the negativity and tragedy that pounded the country back in 2014, three individuals breathed life into this social enterprise, kicking off by using a common love for food as a cross-cultural way to build bonds and ignite pride again among Malaysians. Their mantra: “Malaysia is never the same if we’re not together.” With help from friends, a total of 550 food portraits were created, photographed and exhibited, while making audiences hungry. Hungry also for a better Malaysia.

In addition to their art movement, they felt that it was important to further understand the different cultures and discover elements of unity, which led two of the co-founders to embark on a nationwide travel adventure. The result is a locally-made documentary filled with curiosity, honesty and heart. Titled “Rediscovering Each Other”, it whisks viewers across all 13 states in about an hour, leaving you not so much breathless, but in patriotic spirits.

The visionary trio behind The Rojak Projek are young, driven and passionate about their beliefs. Here’s more about them.

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Lim Sheng Feiyan (aka. Faye), 28, Creative Director at Canvas Art.

1. What’s your favourite Msian food and why?

This is hard! I’ll share a few new favourite dishes from other states: Nasi Lemuni (Penang), Sungai Lembing Noodles (Pahang), Khao Jam, Kuih Akok and Kuih Tahi Itik (Kelantan), Seremban Beef Noodles (Negeri Sembilan), Apam Bekua with Kuah Pisang, Pisang goreng with kicap (Johor), Tuaran Mee, Nasi Linopot in Ranau, UFO Tart and Serunding Tuhau (Sabah)… [and the list goes on]

2. Your favourite Malaysian phrase or word and how often do you use it?

“Aunty/Uncle, what is this ah?” followed by “Har?” then “Ohhh and “Okay, thank you ahh Aunty /Uncle!”

3. If you could become a Malaysian superhero, what would be your power and your superhero name?

It would be to bridge the gap between all Malaysians wherever they are. My superhero name would be ‘a fellow Malaysian’ or just ‘Malaysian’, because to me there’s so much power, depth and value behind that title.

4. You travelled to all 13 states from 2016-2017 to rediscover the different cultures in the country. Can you share a surprising discovery?

It was during my first trip to Lawas, Sarawak where we attended an engagement party between a Lun Bawang and Kelabit which felt like a wedding. It was crazy for new people like us to be treated with such inclusiveness and they welcomed us with love despite being strangers.

5. Funniest memory from the trip.

In Terengganu, we bought some food including ‘pulut nyior’ to create some artwork. We kept it in our bag and went out filming. When we got back, we thought we were robbed! The window was open and one of our bags was on the floor. We noticed the plastic bag of our pulut nyior was ripped and the fish was missing! We figured out the culprit was a cat because there were cats nearby. Can’t blame the cat, it was really good.

6. Share something about Rachel (your fellow co-founder) that few people know.

Rachel has the willingness to try taking the initiative, and she has such patience, empathy and kindness in her heart.

7. Favourite childhood snack?

Haw Flakes!

8. What’s a Malaysian habit that you wish you could change?

Active ranting. I was once a ranter until we experienced MH370, MH17 and many other unfortunate occurrences in Malaysia back then. But I changed from being a complainer to a problem-solver because: “Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.” – a quote by Stefan Sagmeister.

9. You meet a foreigner in a lift and have 15 seconds to promote Malaysia. What do you say?

Hi! Welcome to East / West Malaysia! Have you tried our Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Teh Tarik, Laksa Sarawak…...? For your info, Malaysians tend to ask ‘Have you eaten’ instead of “how are you” because that’s our Malaysian way of saying ‘how are you’ because we care about your tummy!

10. If you could become a Cabinet Minister for a day, which one would it be and why?

The Minister of Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage. I’d change the way we look at our diversity, ignite pride in what we have, focus on our nation’s strength, create bridges for our nation to get to know each other on a deeper level. As our tagline goes: Malaysia tak sama, kalau kita tak bersama. (Malaysia is never the same if we’re not together.)

11. Malaysians are united when …

We sit, talk non-stop, laugh and eat together.

12. What simple things can we Malaysians do in our daily lives towards improving unity and embracing diversity?

1) Go out and make new friends from all walks of life! In your school, work place or just at the bus stop. Try saying ‘hi’ with a smile and get to know another fellow Malaysian.

2) Try more food around Malaysia! Experience other cultures and never be afraid to ask and learn. You can never lose when you learn new things.

Awareness and Enlightenment

Rachel Lee, 28, Graduate Architect & Product Developer of Buildables.

1. What’s your favourite Malaysian food and why?

Mamak food because I love curry and all things rich in flavour! It's my comfort food, stressed food, celebratory food, midnight snack and it’s so customisable!

2. Your favourite Malaysian phrase or word and how often do you use it?

"Jom!" because it indicates doing something, meeting someone or heading somewhere. It describes so many positive and excitable emotions! I use it almost every day.

3. If you could become a Malaysian superhero, what would be your power and your superhero name?

“Lightbulb" and my power is to bring awareness and enlightenment to people I meet which hopefully results in peaceful understanding among everyone.

4. You travelled to all 13 states in 2016-2017 to rediscover the different cultures in the country. Can you share a surprising discovery?

In Terengganu, there are Nyonya people too and they’re extremely proud of it. They have a dress-up day once a week in the middle of town! Also, in Sabah, our new found friend there shared about how West Malaysia celebrates Merdeka while East Malaysia celebrates Malaysia Day. We know through one or two accounts of how it hurts that west Malaysia didn’t recognise Malaysia Day nationwide till recently. She said it with such tangible emotion that it became even more real to me.

5. Funniest memory from the trip.

In Kelantan, a family friend gifted us with a couple of bottles of tuak. The bottles were extremely expanded (imagine an overly shaken carbonated drink in a 1.5L plastic bottle). I was so worried that I kept opening and closing the bottles to ensure they didn’t explode. Little did I know that this made it worse. At 2am, Feiyan and I were doing artworks when suddenly there was a deafening explosion followed by us being drenched! It was hilarious and we settled back down... when another explosion happened! Both bottles exploded! The force was so strong that the bottle cap broke through the ceiling, causing a hole!

6. Share something about Jon Cool that few people know.

He's a lame joker and laughs at his own jokes and we all secretly love it! He has a very big heart, always willing to help, even when it's out of the way.

7. Favourite childhood snack?

Super Ring!

8. You meet a foreigner in a lift and have 15 seconds to promote Malaysia. What do you say?

Do you know the pure bliss of sunbathing by the beach, or tasting your mother’s cooking after weeks, or laughing your heart out with your closest friends, or wandering lost in a sea of new discoveries? That's Malaysia, and we have it all in one package.

9. If you could become a Cabinet Minister for a day, which one would it be and why?

Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. It's been so overlooked and is most underrated in terms of its huge potential impact on how Malaysia functions and furthers as a nation. I believe social development starts from birth and with individuals being exposed to an open, safe and questioning environment. Parents need understanding of key issues for them to cultivate an environment where children can think critically and act as problem-solvers.

10. Malaysians are united when…

We understand that everyone has their own story, background, preferences and perspective and they’re allowed to have it with no repercussions to their opportunities.

11. What simple things can we Malaysians do in our daily lives towards improving unity and embracing diversity?

Start questioning and speaking out against inequalities we see in daily life! Think of a larger goal and objective and take steps towards it, don't just talk about it. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and create a larger ripple.

Small steps

Jonathan Chong (aka Jon Cool), 28, photographer and founder of ELMT Studio.

1.What’s your favourite Msian food and why?

Wanton Noodle. When I was a kid, my late grandpa used to bring me out for a wanton noodle breakfast. I’ve loved it since.

2.Your favourite Malaysian phrase or word and how often do you use it?

Don’t have any.

3.If you could become a Malaysian superhero, what would be your power and your superhero name?

I’d love to have the power to control time like Doctor Strange. So my name will be Doctor Tik Tok (Malaysia sikit )

4.You travelled to all 13 states in 2016-2017 to rediscover the different cultures in the country. Can you share a surprising discovery?

Due to work I couldn't visit all 13 states with Faye and Rachel, but I’ve already visited all states with my motorcycling buddies except Sabah. Malaysia is a very beautiful country – we have the mountains, the forest, the ocean, and the history.

5.Funniest memory from the trip.

While doing the video editing and seeing how the city girls, Faye and Rachel, found unique food outside of KL. The surprise on their faces made me laugh.

6.Share something about Faye that few people know.

Faye is passionate about her work and she’ll always keep you in the loop, not let you feel left out. That’s why she has such a big heart for Sabah and Sarawak.

7. Favourite childhood snack?

Choki Choki Chocolate stick!!

8. What’s a Malaysian habit you wish you could change?

That we could one day be like the Japanese - very mindful of others.

9. You meet a foreigner in a lift and have 15 seconds to promote Malaysia. What do you say?

Have you tried Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai and Char Keow Teow?

10. If you could become a Cabinet Minister for a day, which one would it be and why?

The transport minister so I can minimise death and accidents on the road, improve public transport, traffic congestion and driving behaviour.

11. Malaysians are united when…

We can take a small step at a time to love our neighbour as we do ourselves.

12. What simple things can we Malaysians do in our daily lives towards improving unity and embracing diversity?

Start to embrace each other as family and love one another despite our differences.

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