Sunday Vibes

Love letter from my father

WHEN I was just 8 or 9, my father used to write letters to me. He was working in a different state at that time and during those months when he was away, we used to correspond with each other. My heart would jump at the sight of his familiar handwriting on the envelope and I'd tear open the envelope with great excitement.

To be honest, I can't remember the contents of his letters. If I could guess, it'd have been just him talking about the weather, the food he ate, asking me about school and telling me to study hard. But I loved reading his letters over and over again and thought him to be the world's best writer of letters!

But the good times (and the letters) didn't last for long. Over the years, we communicated less. I grew up and apart from a cantankerous man who had little to say to me. Communication wasn't his strong suit. When he finally passed on at 75, he went with so much left unsaid.

My dad was a great letter writer. One of the few who could write angry letters to banks, creditors, debtors and people who wronged him — with great eloquence. When his eyesight failed him, he'd make me type as he dictated those long well-worded messages on his phone so he could send them via WhatsApp! Looking back, I think I might have inherited his writing skills that I admired when I was a little girl.

I often wondered what dad would've said to me now if he had a chance to write me a letter again. Would he be proud of me? Would he give me advice? I'll never really know. All I know is that I'd give anything to receive that blue envelope with his familiar handwriting from the postman again.

On Father's Day, these daddies have penned heartfelt letters to their children. Their children never have to wonder what their fathers think of them and how much they're loved. In time, I hope these young ones will come to understand that these letters may just be the biggest gift of all from their dads!

VINCE CHONG, 43, Music producer, vocal coach and creator of new animation series, The Eggies

Children: Eva Heidi (8) and Tyler James (6)

Dear Eva and Tyler,

Ever since you arrived into this world, it has been a paradigm shift for the better. I thank God every day that I'm given the gift of fatherhood. Loving you both has increased the full meaning of true love. Although it has been trying at times, it has been nothing short of a joyous adventure. I sometimes see bit of myself in both of you.

Eva, my beautiful firstborn baby girl, I'm so blessed that you have such a wonderful caring nature like mummy, and for some odd reason you're also like a female version of me with your wittiness and creative mind. I love how you love tending to little babies and kids too. I always pray that I'll live to see the day you yourself will have a family of your own.

Tyler, my little handsome man, my space expert, you're really a chip of the old block when it comes to music, especially when you start humming and tapping to other parts of the instruments in the song. Although you sometimes surprise me when every other boy wants a robot or a car, you desire a calculator. Why lah? You know Maths isn't my favourite subject! I simply love how you're such a contented little explorer in your own way.

You both have taught me to be a better person and think less about myself. In fact, I've learnt to have more tolerance and patience. Being a dad has further helped me understand and appreciate my own parents more. Although it isn't easy being a dad, I wouldn't trade for all the treasures of the world!

I pray you both will continue to grow in the Lord and to always fight for what's right. Respect others and never be pressured by your peers. Live your life to the fullest but with moderation and responsibility.

You both are the next generation in this very confusing dark world. Be that light and show the light. You both may be like mummy and daddy in some ways but remember to only absorb the good parts and learn to be better versions of us.

Daddy wants to be here for many, many more night falls, sunrises, silly laughter and singing together. I love being your daddy and friend. Daddy will always be here in your hearts forever and ever.


Silly Daddy.

MAIZUL AFFENDY BIN BAHARUDIN, 46, Senior Lecturer in Mass Communication Department, UOW KDU Penang University College, Penang

Children: Nur Arryanna Sufi (13 years, 3 months), Nur Airynna Sufi (11 years, 5 months)

Alhamdulillah, thanks thank you Allah SWT for giving me this opportunity to see my two beautiful daughters grow until today. How I love you both, my Nenesu and Adik, my two "OSEM" daughters!

My loves, when you both were small, I remember how you chased and grabbed my hand to cross the road. I remember how naughty the two of you would get when arguing about who was daddy's favourite girl!

You've both changed my life for the better. You gave me this precious opportunity to be a father, an "OSEM" father and a wacky, crazy daddy to boot! I can't imagine a life without you both. I want to tell you I love you from the minute you were conceived. I want to hold and hug and kiss you at every opportunity. I want to make you feel safe.

My eldest daughter, my sayang,

I remember your first steps and when you first called me "Daddy". I remember how you clipped accessories on my hair and put make-up on my face until I resembled a Chinese opera actor!

I remember when you fell ill for the first time and the sleepless nights I went through, anxiously taking care of you. Any first-time fathers can identify with my helplessness and overprotectiveness whenever you took a tumble or fell ill.

My girls, we've built such indelible, special memories that can never be erased. I can't help but smile recalling how the two of you loved songs like Bagaikan Puteri by Farah, Firework and Roar by Katy Perry, which you'd put on repeat!

I remember the time we stopped at a parking lot and the three of us danced together. I love seeing you both expressing yourselves and treasure the moments when you'd invite me into your little world! I'm proud to see that you're so creative and love art and music. Mummy and daddy will always be here, cheering you on and providing you both with whatever you need.

Now that my Nenesu and Adik are slowly entering "teenagehood", things are changing. As much as I love seeing you blossom into young, intelligent women, I get a little wistful when you forget to hold my hand these days. Perhaps you're malu-kot to express yourself in public. But deep down, no matter how old you get, remember, both of you will always be daddy's little girls.

Forever and always,


NOEL CHARLES, 49, Head of Member Interactions, Bonuslink Loyalty

Daughter: Bella Reiha Charles (14)

My dearest Bella,

As I sit down to pen this letter to you, I'm overwhelmed by a flood of emotions and an immense sense of gratitude. Being your father has been a blessing beyond measure, and I'm filled with hope and dreams for your future.

From the moment you entered my life, you've been a source of joy and inspiration. Your laughter, your curiosity, and your indomitable spirit constantly remind me of the beauty and wonder that exist in this world. Seeing you grow and learn has been the greatest privilege of my life, and I'm eternally grateful to be your dad.

My dear Bella, I want you to know that the sky isn't the limit for you; it's merely a starting point. You have within you the strength and resilience to achieve anything you set your mind to. Follow your dreams fearlessly, for you possess the power to shape your own destiny.

As you navigate through life, remember that failures aren't setbacks but opportunities for growth. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them propel you forward towards greatness.

I hope for you a life filled with purpose and passion. May you discover your true calling and pursue it with unwavering dedication. May you find joy in every step of the journey, for success isn't solely measured by the destination, but by the love and enthusiasm you put in every endeavour.

My heart swells with pride as I witness the person you're becoming. Your kindness, compassion, and empathy are gifts that will touch countless lives. Never underestimate the power of your words and actions to make a positive impact on others. Embrace your faith, stand up for justice, and always be an advocate for those who can't speak for themselves.

Remember that you're never alone. I'll forever be your rock, your confidant, and your biggest supporter. In moments of triumph and in times of struggle, I'll be there, cheering you on, guiding you, and loving you unconditionally.

In this huge world, there'll be challenges, but I have faith in your ability to overcome them. Believe in yourself, for you're capable of extraordinary things. Chase your dreams with unyielding determination, and know that your father stands beside you, cheering you on every step of the way.

With all my love and boundless pride,

Your Forever Grateful Daddy.

DR ANAS AFANDI BIN DATO'DATUK AHMAD APANDI, co-founder of Father's Rights Association Malaysia

Children: Anasseyra Aisya (8), Anassaufy Affan (7) and Anassophia Aurora (3).

Dear Anak Den (My children),

Challenges in life

Life isn't as flowery and beautiful as our dreams. Never expect life to be full of roses. Even roses are full of thorns. Know that Allah gives us good times and bad times.

Allah creates our life as a test (whether in good times or the bad times) in order to assess whether we submit to Him willfully in every situation or not.

Please understand that whatever challenges are thrown at you, Allah has promised that He'll give you strength and willpower to endure it.


Dear Kakak and Abang,

Daddy understands (as much as it breaks his heart) that both of you loathe the divorce between daddy and mummy as both of you wished to have the perfect family. Daddy also understands that as a child of a divorced family, you may be ridiculed by others.

If anyone ever questions you about your father, tell them that your daddy is always available and ready to meet them at any time. But please know that no matter what differences we, as parents, may have — the bottom line is that you're loved very deeply.

Living Apart

Circumstances have caused us to live apart (kakak and abang) and we can only meet as per the court order. I know this is especially hard (as time is too limited), but we'll strive to do our best for the family as a whole.

I have and will always focus on the wellbeing of all my children. This will never stop. All of you are treated equally whether you're living with daddy and ibu, or with mummy.

Understand that I'm only human and far from perfect. Please also know that I'll strive my best to ensure that my relationship with all of you remain intact and close no matter what lies ahead.

Relationship between siblings

Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah, my Anak Den have formed close relationships with each other. All of you must continue to help each other and protect each other always. Daddy, ibu and mummy will always cherish our moments with all of you all.

No matter what challenges we'll face down the road, I'll always love you.

With all my love,


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