Sunday Vibes

Single Again? How to survive and thrive the Sunday Vibes Way!

SO, you've found yourself single — again! Fear not. Moving on after a breakup is an art form, and it IS possible to do it with grace, humour, and of course, impeccable style. According to a recent study by psychologists at the University of Exeter, England, the key to resilience after a breakup lies not only in the passage of time but also in the strategies you adopt.

The study found that individuals who actively engaged in self-care and positive distractions reported faster emotional recovery and higher self-esteem post-breakup. Armed with this insight, we've curated essential tips on what NOT to do when you've been dumped, ensuring that you navigate this period with panache and positivity.


1. Avoid Social Media Stalking Spree: Refrain from obsessively scrolling through every post, like, and comment to decode your ex's new life. Remember, you're a trendsetter, not a detective on a mission.

2. Skip the Dramatic Public Display: Resist the urge to make emotional declarations or tearful scenes in front of mutual friends. Your dignity deserves applause, not a front-row seat at a melodrama.

3. No DIY Therapy Overhaul: While redecorating can be therapeutic, resist turning your space into a shrine to lost love. Your home should reflect your lifestyle, not serve as a museum of heartbreak.

4. Hold Off on Drastic Hair Changes: Before dyeing your hair a radical new colour to match your mood, remember, subtle and classy transformations are the essence of your new glamorous self.

5. Steer Clear of Late-Night Text Marathons: Messaging your ex at 2am to reminisce about shared meals isn't wise. Embrace a polished, minimalist communication style — think Coco Chanel, not chaos.

6. Avoid Extreme Fitness Challenges: Getting fit is fantastic, but signing up for an intense fitness challenge on impulse might not be sustainable. Opt for a balanced exercise routine that enhances your elegance and strength.

7. Don't Dress for Revenge: Wearing a dramatic outfit to an event just to make a statement won't win you any style points. Your fashion choices should express your confidence and individuality, not your emotional state.

8. Stay Away from Love Potion Experiments: Mixing up potions to win back your ex's heart is best left in fairy tales. Celebrate your newfound freedom with cocktails that reflect your independence and creativity.


As you navigate this intermission in life, it's good to remember that moving on isn't just about putting on a brave face; it's about embracing your journey with style, grace and a touch of humour.

In the symphony of your life, you are the conductor. So, conduct it with finesse! Seize those moments of self-care, whether it's treating yourself to a spa day, indulging in your favourite hobbies, or simply savouring a good book with a cup of coffee. Nurture your soul with positivity and surround yourself with friends who uplift and support you through this transition.

And when it comes to love and loss, there's something about Coco Chanel's timeless advice, which rings true: "Elegance is refusal." Refuse to dwell in bitterness or self-pity. Instead, choose elegance in your actions, your words and your thoughts. You are not defined by this breakup; you're defined by how you rise above it.

So, raise a glass — not to the past, but to the future. Celebrate your newfound freedom and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. And there are many! Whether you're rediscovering passions, pursuing new adventures, or simply revelling in the joy of being single, do it with flair.

After all, nothing is more attractive than someone who embraces life with enthusiasm and authenticity. Let go of that emotional baggage — both literally and figuratively. Cheers to a chic new chapter!

Catch the latest episode of the Sunday Vibes@NST podcast, on air from today, at Spotify, Audio+, and video episodes on NST's official YouTube channel. Buckle up for a raucous ride as hosts Intan and Elena debunk myths about single life, celebrating independence like it's the hottest trend in town. From spontaneous adventures to solo triumphs, they're here to prove that flying solo isn't just okay — it's fabulous!

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