PUTRAJAYA: For the first time, the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) busted a illegal factory here churning out fake international brand imitation handbags, baggage and backpacks.
Previously, branded counterfeit handbags, baggage and backpacks were usually brought in from abroad for Malaysian markets and consumers.
The factory in Subang staffed by foreign workers manufactured a variety of imitation branded bags, including brand such as Louis Vuitton (LV), Gucci, Nike, Adidas and Fila.
KPDNHEP Enforcement Division director, Datuk Mohd. Roslan Mahyuddin said an integrated operation involving the Immigration Department at 3pm on Saturday brought the shutters down on the operations of the factory.
He said checks found that the factory produced designer handbags from leading international brands.
“Checks conducted saw us unearth 126 imitation handbags, 135 imitation baggage and 664 imitation LV branded backpacks.
"We also seized rolls of cloths, zips and buttons used to produce all the bags," he said.
He said the KPDNHEP officers also apart from Gucci brand luggage bag also recovered over 1,500 imitation bags using Nike, Adidas and Fila brands.
Roslan said the imitation bags were believed to be local market and had a total value of RM60,000.
"Sixteen Bangladesh workers working as tailors at the premise were arrested for questioning.
He said the case is being investigated under the Trade Descriptions Act 2011 which could see a fine of not exceeding RM15,000 being imposed for each counterfeit merchandise.
"Individuals who commit the offence would be liable to a fine not exceeding RM10,000 for each merchandise or imprisonment not exceeding three years or both if convicted," he said.