Crime & Courts

Boy who set cat on fire released, to redeem himself by taking care of felines

KAJANG: A 13-year-old boy who admitted to causing unnecessary suffering to a cat by setting it on fire in April was today released on a one-year good behaviour bond by the magistrate's court.

The juvenile offender, who stood in the dock with his mother before magistrate Nik Siti Norazlini Nik Mohamed Faiz, apologised to the court for his actions, saying he had been influenced by his friends.

The teenager, who had never been to school, promised not to repeat the mistake and expressed his desire to have a pet cat and chase his dreams to be a soldier, said defence lawyer Lee Teong Hooi.

"The court's advisor for children told the boy to study hard, be a good person and to take care of his mother and do not make her worry.

"They had also asked him differentiate good friends from bad.

"The boy said he wants to take care of cats to make up for his past actions.

"His mother has also registered him to start schooling next year," said Lee after the proceedings.

The court imposed a curfew on the boy from leaving his house from 10pm to 6am daily and he must attend interactive workshops organised by the Welfare Department.

The court also ordered the boy's mother to be bonded with RM1,000 to ensure her son adheres to all the conditions imposed throughout the period.

The court ruled so after obtaining a moral report from the department on the boy, who pleaded guilty to setting the cat on fire at about 1pm at a parking area of Pangsapuri Taman Sri Kenari on April 22.

Deputy public prosecutor Norfarhanim Abdul Halim urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence to serve a lesson for the boy, better his future and cultivate a sense of empathy and sympathy in him.

Meanwhile, a relative said the mother and son had moved in with her at another location after the incident.

"They want to stay away from bad influence. He had told me he wants to go to school and study," she said.

The charge sheet read that the boy had committed the offence along with two others who are still at large.

He was charged under Section 29(1)(e) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 read together with Section 34 of the Penal Code.

It carries a fine of not less than RM20,000 and not more than RM100,000 or a jail term of not less than three years or both.

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