A HILARIOUS video has captured the moment a man crossed paths with his exact doppelgänger at a friend's wedding in Selangor on Sunday.
Azly Yozof, 29, was attending the wedding of a childhood friend when everyone was asked to assemble for a group photograph.
That’s when Azly's pal noticed that there was another guest who looked exactly like him – even wearing the same t-shirt, jeans and glasses.
The mind-blowing resemblance between the two unrelated men was caught on camera – with hilarious results.
Footage taken by Azly's pal, Amir Zulfadhli Zulkifly, 30, shows the moment the two men set eyes on each other – sparking laughter from those in attendance and both laughing themselves.
Amir revealed that Azly and his doppelgänger were blown away by the encounter and even made plans to meet again.
Speaking about the remarkable coincidence, he said: “Me and Azly are the groom's childhood friends and the other man was his friend from work.
“This was the first time we had ever met and it was really funny. It was just a coincidence that Azly and his doppelgänger were both wearing red shirts.
“They look like twins, but they're not related in any way,” Amir added.
“We are planning to arrange a meeting for the two to see each other again and this time, we could take a picture of them together.” – Daily Mail