KUALA LUMPUR: Eligible Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) recipients who have yet to receive cash aid are urged to update their bank accounts.
Inland Revenue Board (IRB) said those with existing data record could do so by visiting https://ez.hasil.gov.my/ci.
Updating of information must be done by April 30 to enable BPN aid be transferred directly to the registered bank account in May.
“IRB would like to also advise BPN recipients to only use its official channels in updating bank information,” it said in a statement.
It also warned the public against falling prey to scammers and that it would never ask for Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) sent to mobile phone before channeling the aid.
For those without prior tax records with IRB, payments would be made as explained in the BPN’s FAQs (frequently asked questions), available at
https://bpn.hasil.gov.my/Download/Faq/SoalanLazim(FAQ)BantuanPrihatinNasional(Kemaskini 06042020).pdf.
For inquiries, call Hasil Care Line (HCL) at 03-8911 1000 or go to HASiL Live Chat, or fill feedback form at IRB website’s Quick Link https://maklumbalaspelanggan.hasil.gov.my/MaklumBalas/ms-my/
Alternatively, visit IRB’s official social media accounts https://www.facebook.com/LHDNM and