
Prime mover driver dies in workplace accident

BUTTERWORTH: A prime mover driver died after being stuck in the driver's cabin, which was crushed by a container, in an incident at the container terminal area here today.

State Occupational Safety and Health Department (JKKP) director Hairozie Asri said the fatal accident happened when the 41-year-old local man was at work about 10.13am.

"A team of state JKKP investigation officers went to the scene to probe as soon as we were notified about the incident.

"From the preliminary investigation, it was found that the victim was a prime mover driver of one of the prime mover machinery supplier companies at the container terminal.

"He was said to have made a U-turn while on his way to deliver the container to the ship," he said this evening.

Hairozie said the accident caused the victim's head to be stuck in the driver's cabin of the prime mover and he was confirmed dead at the scene by paramedics.

Following the incident, Hairozie said the state JKKP issued a Prohibition Notice for the operation of prime mover machinery.

He said further investigation would be carried out.

"Legal action will be taken if there is a violation of regulations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 against the responsible party.

"JKKP takes every accident involving employees or the public seriously. Employers have full control over any activity at the workplace and are responsible for first identifying the hazards at the workplace, making a risk assessment and then conducting effective risk control before the employees carry out work activities," he said.

He said incidents like this could be avoided if the employers implement a comprehensive risk assessment and control in accordance with the methods specified in the Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC).

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