
Perak govt to form special committee for quarry site safety assessment - MB

TANJUNG MALIM: Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad has announced the formation of a special committee to reevaluate safety aspects related to quarry operations in Perak.

The committee will be chaired by the state Land and Mines Office, which is directly involved in the matter.

"We have decided on the need to take action through a special committee focused on safety aspects at the quarry site. We are concerned, especially during the current rainy season, and we need to assess the situation in the area," he said during a press conference following the inauguration of the Muallim Speed Lane: Fast-Track construction project.

In addition to addressing safety concerns at the quarry site, the committee will also examine areas at risk of landslides.

The decision to establish the committee follows a recent incident in which a foreign worker was tragically killed in a rockfall at a quarry site in Keramat Pulai, Simpang Pulai. Gopeng MP Tan Kar Hing had called on the state government to take immediate action, including suspending quarrying activities, to address the recurring fatalities at quarry sites. Kar Hing also proposed the creation of a special team comprising relevant agencies and departments to conduct an investigation and submit a detailed report on the incident.

Saarani emphasised the importance of quarry operators prioritising safety measures to prevent such tragic incidents. He highlighted that during heavy rainfall, all activities at the quarry site should cease, in line with established guidelines. The motto "safety first" should always be at the forefront of entrepreneurs' minds, he added.

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