KUALA LUMPUR: The Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) has responded promptly to an incident involving students at the Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) in Negri Sembilan, who were reportedly served a dish tainted with rotten eggs.
In a statement, Mara said that it is taking the matter seriously following the incident at the dining hall of MRSM Kuala Klawang, which allegedly caused food poisoning in several students.
"Immediate action has been taken by the MRSM management by contacting the district health office to conduct an immediate investigation of the dining hall.
"A close inspection by the district health office has been carried out and it was found that the environmental hygiene performance is good, and the food handling process complies with the set standards.
"The district health office and the MRSM management had also issued several warnings to dining hall operators," the statement read.
Also Read: Mara to terminate contract of errant MRSM canteen operators
Mara further said monitoring of students for symptoms of food poisoning has been implemented.
So far, it said no students have reported such symptoms as alleged.
Mara added that parents need not worry and should keep in contact with the management for more information.
"Mara always gives priority to ensuring that the service provided by the food supplier complies with the standard operating procedures (SOP) in the preparation of cooked food for the students.
"We are always concerned about the welfare and safety of all students at the Mara educational institutions, including MRSM, and will take appropriate action if such a thing occurs in accordance with the established procedures."