
Anwar urges PKR members to uphold basis of their fight and struggle

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR members must not forget the basis of their fight and struggle after gaining power, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar, who is the PKR president and Prime Minister, said to move forward as a successful nation, all members must not breach the trust of the rakyat and implement reforms for a mature democracy.

"Don't ever forget the basis of our struggle. I have always mentioned that power will always be captivating, but remember the basis of our struggle.

"Do not use power to gather riches, don't use power to erode idealism, and don't breach trust. We have the power to implement reforms. Malaysia is mature enough for democracy.

"We need to mature as a democracy and this is a unique experience because not many Muslim-majority countries pride themselves in being a democratic nation," he said in his speech at the PKR 25th anniversary celebration.

Anwar said in order for Malaysia to succeed, one must respect and honour the rights of every citizen including having fair representation for all races.

"During the Kuala Kubu Baharu (KKB) by-election period, racial and religious issues keep on being brought up. This cannot happen in a Muslim-majority country like Malaysia where most of the Parliament members are Muslims but we want to deny the rights of the Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Iban and Dusun to have representation.

"PKR will continue to uphold the constitution and for Malaysia to be a peaceful and successful country, every race needs to have fair representation.

"Even though we are continuously attacked over these narrow-minded racial sentiments, we will not waver and continue to fight for free and independent policies" he added.

Anwar assured that the Malays and Bumiputera will not be poor or left behind when other races have their own fair representation.

Anwar had also reiterated Malaysia's support towards the Palestinians in Gaza and hoped that the oppression from the Israel regime would end and they would receive their rights to be an independent state.

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