
PM says Syed Husin was his teacher, fellow comrade in PKR's struggle

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has paid tribute to the late Syed Husin Ali by describing the latter as his teacher and close friend.

The PKR president said that Syed Husin was a comrade who fought for the party's struggle and was known as being a great thinker.

"I am sad to hear that a friend, thinker, a fellow leader in the party's struggle and a teacher of mine, Syed Husin Ali, has returned to his Maker.

"I am very affected by his death as I was very close to him and I would refer to him on various matters whenever there were matters that needed urgent attention.

need arose.

"My condolences to his family and I pray that they will be strong and brave in facing this difficult test," said Anwar on his official Telegram channel.

Dr Syed Husin Ali, one of PKR's founding members died today after being ill for a few weeks. He was 87.

He had been in critical condition on June 26 and breathed his last in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Syed Husin was appointed PKR deputy president following the merger of Parti Rakyat Malaysia, of which he was president, and Parti Keadilan Nasional in 2003.

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