
MPI ready to work with corporate sector in strengthening local media landscape

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) is prepared to collaborate with the corporate sector to further enhance two-way communication between the two parties and improve the local journalism industry for national development.

MPI president Datuk Yong Soo Heong said the institute acknowledged and heeded requests from the corporate sector for better collaboration with the media over opportunities to provide publicity and announcements.

"I believe that both the corporate sector and media must work together (for better two-way communication) as the media also needs information from them.

"(And) I believe that aside from media needing information (on certain issues), they (corporate sector) must also provide the media with better content and information (related to their product) that is considered highly valued to capture the public's attention," Yong said during a town hall session between media publications and the corporate sector at the Malaysia Journalism Night (MWM) contributors' appreciation event in Petaling Jaya near here, today.

Present during the event were MPI chief executive officer Datuk Mustapa Omar, MPI deputy president Farrah Naz Karim as well MPI council members Zamri Rambli, Choo Joon Kian and Dr Diana Dominic.

Yong added that the town hall session today was also the first session held between corporates and media to provide a deeper comprehension of how the media industry in Malaysia works.

Meanwhile, Farrah, who is also New Straits Times (NST) group editor said following the rapid change in the media industry globally, MPI will also act as a catalyst for media publications to play their role in uplifting the country's journalism industry.

This, she said, included a world-class training programme for both media practitioners and corporates to meet the public's expectations.

"This is because we need to always prepare ourselves with the relevant and up-to-date skills (in meeting the industry's needs).

"Hence, this is one of the ways we are enhancing the two-way communication between media and corporates (in creating a healthier landscape in the media industry)… at the end of the day it is all about nation-building and how you adopt (changes in the rapidly changing media landscape)

"With this, we also hope to get continuous support from our corporate friends because, without the support, the already changing media landscape can be even more challenging," she said.

Meanwhile, a total of 488 media practitioners will contest the 2023 Malaysian Journalism Awards (HKM) organised by the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) scheduled to take place on June 7.

The award, which will be held during the 2024 MWM also recorded the highest participation received by MPI since the award was introduced in 1980.

The award also saw a 21 per cent increase in participation, with 488 entries compared to the 386 participation last year.

MPI also received a total of RM1,066,500 in donations and sponsorships to organise HKM this year.

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