
Sabah climber's epic dash for perfect Mount Kinabalu photo

KOTA KINABALU: Jack Arrey Jaim made scaling Mount Kinabalu seem effortless when he "ran down and up" to retrieve his Sigar, a traditional headdress, for a memorable photo. 

The second runner-up of Buvazoi Tavantang 2024, a prestigious male cultural pageant in Sabah, described the ascent as more than just a physical feat, calling it a journey of love, resilience, and gratitude.

"This was my eighth time climbing Mount Kinabalu, and it was special because I ascended with my mom and family," said Jack, 25 to the New Straits Times. 

"I also wanted to celebrate my achievement in the Buvazoi Tavantang competition, so I brought along the trophy and a full set of Penampang traditional attire for a photo at the summit."

Jack said that their group of 11 began the summit climb at 3am from Laban Rata. However, around 4am, he realised he had forgotten his Sigar at the accommodation, a kilometre away. 

"The Sigar has special meaning for me – it's my winning Sigar as Buvazoi Tavantang Labuan, and I also wore it at the state-level competition. I told my family to continue climbing while I went back to get the Sigar," he recounted.

With a strong mindset and unwavering determination, Jack ran down to retrieve the Sigar and then hurried back up to catch up with his family. 

He praised his former high school sportsmate, now a mountain guide, who waited patiently for him at the Sayat-Sayat checkpoint.

Despite temperatures reaching -1 degrees Celsius and strong winds, Jack was thrilled to fulfil his dream of conquering Mount Kinabalu with his mother, a first-time climber. 

"I'm not sure when our family will have another opportunity to climb together, especially with our mum getting older. I wanted to capture this beautiful moment and create a lasting memory atop Mount Kinabalu with everyone," said Jack, one of seven siblings.

He added, "Be thankful for what you have and live with gratitude. Life is beautiful when we are grateful for everything."

Standing at 4,095 metres above sea level, Mount Kinabalu is renowned for its challenging yet breathtaking trails, attracting adventurers and nature enthusiasts from around the world.

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