
Genting theme park fire extinguished, no casualties [WATCH]

BENTONG: The fire which broke out at the theme park in Genting Highlands near here today damaged the building's exterior walls and did not involve any victims.

Pahang Fire and Rescue Department director Datuk Dr Wan Mohammad Zaidi Wan Isa said the fire had damaged the second, third and fourth floors.

"The fire only involved the external structure of the theme park building and no victims were involved. The fire was brought under control at about 6.30pm and completely doused about 7pm.

"Fifty-six firemen from the Genting, Bentong and Selayang fire stations along with Janda Baik volunteer firefighters and Genting fire unit members were at the site to help control the blaze," he said in a statement today.

He said the cause of the fire is being investigated by the department's forensics unit.

Social media was earlier abuzz with images and videos of the fire incident with thick black plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.

Pahang Fire and Rescue Department deputy director (operations) Ismail Abdul Ghani said the department was alerted at about 4.55pm.

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