
Smugglers fire shots at Customs officers at Thai border

TUMPAT: Smugglers at the Malaysia-Thailand border in Kelantan fired shots at Customs Department officers during an enforcement operation on Wednesday.

Kelantan Customs director Wan Jamal Abdul Salam Wan Long said the incident occurred in Kampung Simpangan, Pengkalan Kubor, Sungai Golok, at 9.45am.

He said when a Customs team arrived at an illegal jetty known as Pok Mat in Kampung Simpangan, goods were being unloaded from 15 engine-powered boats, believed to be petrol and diesel.

"The team approached one of the boats that was loaded with barrels that are believed to contain fuel. An officer jumped into the boat.

"The smugglers tried to escape by jumping into a boat belonging to an accomplice who aimed a pistol at our team. They fled by river in the direction of Thailand.

"The smugglers fired two shots into the air and at the enforcement team as they fled."

He said the Customs boat shielded three officers from the shots.

He said while the smugglers' boat was being towed away, the smugglers fired another shot at the team.

He said the team then accelerated their boat to make a turn, which caused the smugglers' boat to sink.

The Customs team cut the towline attached to the smugglers' boat and sped away to safety.

"The whole team dodged the smugglers' shots. Such threats will not dampen the spirits of Customs officers. We remain committed to enforcing the law."

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