
Busker 'left silent' after Kuantan fire destroys musical instruments

KUANTAN: A street performer, who once graced the bustling corners and open spaces in the state capital here, is at his wits ends trying to figure out how he is going to continue making a living.

Abdul Manaf Ghazali lost his keyboard, microphones, speakers and amplifying instruments worth more than RM15,000 in a fire which destroyed his rented room at Jalan Wong Ah Jang here on June 18.


The 49-year-old was left with only the clothes on his back during the incident which razed six double storey shophouses as he was not in his room during the 3.40pm fire.

Manaf, who has been given another room to stay by his landlord, said he is only left with one guitar which he had brought along to Teluk Cempedak beach to perform during the ill-fated day.

"My keyboard, portable PA (public address) system, clothes, some money and other belongings were completely destroyed in the fire. I was left heartbroken when I stepped into my room to see if I could retrieve any belongings...sadly, all my things were reduced to ashes.

"The keyboard which I lost in the fire last week has sentimental value as it was given to me by the Pahang Menteri Besar (Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail) several years ago when I started performing in Kuantan.

"Since I am now unable to perform on my own, I have been joining some friends and even sometimes borrowing their musical instruments. Buskers usually have their own schedule (place to perform) and bookings but I am unable to commit to any bookings," he said when met outside the razed house here today.


Manaf, who started busking here in 2020, said he was previously part of a music band in his hometown at Felda Bukit Tajau in Maran.

"I used to do odd-jobs in the settlement and joined several friends to play musical instruments during our free time. I can play the guitar, keyboard and drum.

"I moved here after the Covid-19 pandemic and earned a living as a street performer. I used to perform at night markets, public spaces and the Teluk Cempedak beach which is usually crowded during the weekends. Everything was fine until the fire last week," said Manaf.

The second of nine siblings, Manaf said he hopes some Good Samaritan will come forward to help him to continue performing in the streets to spread joy through music.

"I will be extremely happy if anyone is willing to donate a second hand keyboard or PA system. My priority now is to get the equipment as it will allow me to continue performing. With no fixed income, I am unable to borrow any money," he said.

On the incident, Manaf said a friend had alerted him about the fire and by the time he returned, the fire had been put out.

"I assumed it was a small fire but it damaged several shop houses and my room on the first floor was completely burnt. If only I was inside the room, I would certainly have rescued all my belongings," he said in a hush tone.

Six double storey shophouses were destroyed in the fire and an elderly man was rushed to Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital after experiencing breathing difficulties.

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