
Squatters given 30-day notice before eviction, says KK mayor

KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) will issue a 30-day notice before demolishing illegal squatter settlements within its jurisdiction.

Mayor Datuk Seri Dr. Sabin Samitah said the demolition exercises, which were recently criticised for allegedly violating the rights of the occupants, were according to standard operating procedures (SOP).

The removal of sea gypsies' houses off Semporna by Sabah Parks and enforcement personnel caused widespread public criticism on social media.

There was a similar backlash after KK City Hall demolished squatter areas in Kampung Kalansanan near here.

KK City Hall defended the move as necessary to curb water and electricity theft and to address social issues.

"KKK City Hall conducts these operations according to the SOP. We will inform the people occupying City Hall land illegally," said Sabin, adding that the local authority worked closely with the police for the demolitions.

He was speaking after the launch of the Report on Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Kota Kinabalu Climate Change Action Plans 2024-2030 at a hotel here.

Asked about aerial photos of squatter colonies encroaching near the Sabah Assembly Building, Sabin said: "No comment."

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir, who was present, also defended the demolitions as a security measure.

It was reported that Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jauteh Dikun said a multi-agency operation had begun to identify settlements and issue 1,388 demolition notices across the state.

The three-phase Ops Koloni Setinggan will start with small squatter colonies here and in Semporna, Kudat and Labuan before extending to larger ones in the state.

After the massive demolition exercises, the authorities will fence off or erect signs prohibiting trespassing and take action against undocumented individuals.

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