
Teen in coma following JAKOA ambulance crash on Karak Highway

KUANTAN: A mother's anxiety deepens over her eldest daughter, Susan Tan Tai Hoi, 17, who remains in a coma with severe head injuries after a crash involving a Pahang Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA) ambulance.

Nor Mamod, 38, said she was concerned for her children's well-being in the aftermath of the incident.

The accident occurred on June 29 at Kilometer 47.3 of the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway in Bentong, where Susan was traveling with her younger siblings Serena, 15, and Jeremy, 5.

Earlier, New Straits Times reported a viral video showing a JAKOA ambulance overturning on the KL-Karak highway after colliding with a multipurpose vehicle (MPV).

The collision with the MPV happened at 1.27pm, causing Nor and her three children to be thrown out of the ambulance while on their way home from Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) to Kampung Bukit Serok in Rompin.

Nor said they had gone to HKL for a specialist appointment for Serena, who suffers from chronic kidney disease and were returning home in the ambulance provided by JAKOA after the session.

"The ambulance spun several times, its roof came off, and the four of us were thrown onto the road.

"During the accident, Susan was sleeping, perhaps that's why she sustained severe injuries to her head and other parts of her body.

"Susan is still in a coma under close observation by specialist doctors at Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA) here.

The rest of us, Serena, Jeremy, and I, only suffered minor cuts and bruises from being thrown out of the vehicle," she said.

Nor shared this after receiving a visit from Deputy Prime Minister's Office official Datuk Fadzlette Othman Merican and Seriwani Sabtu at HTAA. Also present was the Director of Pahang JAKOA, Johari Alwi.

Nor added that besides Susan, who requires dialysis three times a week, she also cares for Jeremy, who is receiving treatment at HTAA after being transferred from Sultan Ahmad Shah Hospital (HOSAS) Temerloh and underwent a second scan yesterday.

Her husband, Tan Tai Hoi, 55, is taking care of Serena, who has to undergo a health check-up at a hospital in Johor Bahru today.

"I am grateful to JAKOA, which has been very helpful since the accident. Every day, JAKOA officers visit us at HTAA, provide food, and offer advice.

"I hope Susan regains consciousness soon and does not suffer any severe injuries, especially to her brain," she said.

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