
Don't speculate viral clip of Bangladeshi man wearing PDRM polo shirt, says police [WATCH]

BALIK PULAU: Police have urged the people not to speculate after a video went viral, showing a Bangladeshi man wearing a T-shirt with the words "IPD Barat Daya" and "Polis Diraja Malaysia" written on it.

Southwest district police chief Superintendent Kamarul Rizal Jenal said police came across the 19-second clip uploaded by TikTok user @muhammad.firdaus25 yesterday afternoon.

It showed the foreign national using the T-shirt.

"The T-shirt was produced in 2016 and was intended for social activities such as exercise, gotong-royong, and similar events.

"The use of the T-shirt is in no way linked to the official duties of the Southwest district police," he said.

'We have taken note of the matter after the clip went viral," he added.

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