KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has urged Muslims in the state to fulfil their zakat obligations through amil (zakat collectors) officially appointed in the state.
According to a statement from the Selangor Royal Office, Sultan Sharafuddin wants Muslims to understand and reflect on the content of the Friday sermon titled "Pay to the Appointed Amil", delivered by the khatib (sermon giver) in mosques today.
"To ensure that zakat management is well-organised and systematic, Allah entrusted the mandate of collecting and distributing zakat to the Ulil Amri (those in authority) or leaders of a particular place.
"In line with the sermon's message, in Selangor, the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) is responsible for managing Islamic affairs, including the appointment and accreditation of zakat collectors (amil).
"Although obedience to Ulil Amri is clearly required by Sharia, there are still cases of agents appointed by certain state religious councils collecting zakat in Selangor, outside their designated areas.
"Promises of lucrative rebates have driven these agents to aggressively collect zakat across state lines, even though this contravenes the Syariah Criminal Offences Act of the respective states," read the statement today.
The sermon also said that zakat funds in Selangor are crucial, as RM1.36 billion is needed to support the asnaf (eligible zakat recipients).
It said that if the zakat collected in Selangor is 'smuggled' to other areas by irresponsible parties, those entitled to the zakat assistance would be wronged and their rights denied.
"From a Sharia perspective, collecting zakat outside state boundaries is an offence, and zakat paid to agents who operate beyond the boundaries of the state Islamic religious council is invalid.
"Imagine if zakat is paid to an irresponsible party, which we believe fulfils the zakat obligation, only to find out that it is invalid, leaving the obligation unmet.
"What is the consequence of not fulfilling zakat? For those who fail to spend their wealth on zakat, there will be severe punishment in the hereafter," the sermon said.