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Video shows TMJ buying 'teh ais ikat tepi', netizens impressed [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: A video clip showing Tunku Mahkota of Johor (TMJ) Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim decked in a simple attire holding a plastic of iced milk tea caught the Internet by storm.

Netizens praised the Johor Crown Prince for his down-to-earth demeanour, and the video posted by a TikTok user with the handle Ryzal GT86, had garnered more than 50,000 likes and counting with more than 1,600 comments.

One of the thumbs-up comments was from @sincerelyjuly, who said: "He (Tunku Ismail) may be (one of) the richest men, but he can be a humble person on this earth. salute Tuanku!"

Another comment was from @Leman Ampang Kolumpo: "Syukur Alhamdulillah! TMJ is a solid person and the best. A person with the Tunku Mahkota Johor title walks freely in a village, sipping an iced milk tea in his hand)"

For @mattupai, he said: Although I'm not a Johorian, I like TMJ's style."

And, @haniza551 said : Respect TMJ.

In the short video clip, Tunku Ismail is seen holding a 'Teh Ais Bungkus' alone, without his guards, clad only in a blue t-shirt, black shorts and black slippers.

The video title 'Sempoi je Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) 'teh ais ikat tepi' was supposedly shot near a paddy field in a kampung setting.

Tunku Ismail s seen taking a sip of the drink before he walks towards a parked motorcycle a few feet away.

It is unknown whether he rode the bike to the stall or it was already there parked outside the stall when the video was recorded.

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