PUTRAJAYA: The opposition pact can use the PKR logo in the 14th General Election (GE14) as long as the candidates get permission from the party to use its symbol.
Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Hashim Abdullah said EC had no objections to opposition candidates using the PKR symbol as long as the party they represent is registered and allowed to run activities under the Societies Act 1966.
“I would like to clarify that there is no hindrance for the opposition pact to use the PKR symbol in GE14. This is because candidates who intend to contest on a PKR ticket and use the party logo need to get approval from PKR, not EC.
“However, we would like to remind that to take part in GE14, the political parties must be registered and allowed to carry out all its activities under Societies Act 1966.
“Candidates representing any party are required to bring a written consent letter. The written permission must be signed by the party officer who is in charge of allowing candidates to use the party symbol in accordance with Regulation 11 (2) (d) of the Elections (Conduct of Election) Regulations 1981,” he said in a statement, today.
He said candidates who failed to get written consent from the party they represent will be provided with an alternate symbol that has been set as replacement.
Hashim also stressed that as long as the conditions are complied with, any individual is eligible to represent any party that has given the written permission.
“There is no provision indicating that the an individual can only represent his or her party in the general election.
“EC has never stopped this, as long as the party members adhere to the set provisions,” he said.
He said EC will issue rules and guidelines on the use of logo and campaign materials to the stakeholders in the near future.