
Dr Joohari vows to serve the people well if he wins in the Sungai Bakap by-election

NIBONG TEBAL: PKR's Dr Joohari Ariffin, who was named as the candidate for the Sungai Bakap by-election, has vowed to serve the people well if he wins in the polls.

Speaking to newsmen after the candidate announcement ceremony today, Joohari said he was used to working for the people.

"It is just that as an educator, my service was to my students previously. Insya Allah, if I win in the polls, my service is to the people of Sungai Bakap.

"I believe that there is a reason for me to be entrusted with His responsibility as a candidate. I retired previously to rest.

"Now, I am starting a new career. I take this as a huge responsibility and will fulfil it to the best of my ability," he said.

Joohari said, as a former educator, he aspires to educate the people well to be good citizens, just like his students.

"I pledge to be a good candidate and an elected representative, if I win the polls.

"I have no issues with my track record all this while so I believe I will be able to carry this responsibility without any issues," he added.

Asked if he was confident of winning, Joohari said the huge turn-out served to bolster confidence and motivation for him to win this by-election.

"Leadership is not being alone but we depend on our followers.

"With their support and motivation, I feel motivated to win," he added.

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