
MyPPP rises again: 5 years of turmoil ends with fresh start

BENTONG: One of Malaysia's oldest political parties, the People's Progressive Party (MyPPP), is striving to overcome its "five years of nightmare" and return to its former glory.

The party's first annual general assembly in five years is set for Aug 18 at the Kuala Lumpur World Trade Centre, symbolising a fresh start after the Registrar of Societies validated the party's supreme council on April 11 last year.

Acting president Datuk Dr J. Loga Bala Mohan has announced that the multiracial party is "back in action" and committed to serving the public by reopening service centres across the country.

"We are already back to serve the people. MyPPP has conducted state conventions in six states, with three more scheduled before the general assembly in August. We are actively conducting a membership drive to regroup our members," he told reporters after opening the Pahang state convention in Bentong yesterday. 

Also present was Pahang MyPPP chairman Datuk M. Elayppen.

Highlighting the party's past membership of 528,000, which dropped to 320,000 due to the leadership crisis, Loga Bala said the party now aimed to recruit over 100,000 new members within the next two years.

"MyPPP is updating our members' details at the branch and division levels and issuing new membership cards. We have 3,200 branches nationwide," he said.

After five years of legal battles stemming from internal conflicts, MyPPP, founded in 1953, is preparing for its first general assembly in August this year.

"I strongly believe it's only a matter of time. The general assembly will provide a clearer picture of our presence and direction in national politics," he added.

He also expressed gratitude for the unwavering loyalty of the party's grassroots members, who remained faithful despite the party's challenges. 

"Our state and division leaders have stayed loyal and never jumped ship. While other parties face abandonment, our grassroots have remained committed."

Loga Bala acknowledged the political instability MyPPP faced but emphasided that stability was returning. 

"Some leaders who supported the former president (Tan Sri M. Kayveas) have left, and those who misused the party for personal gain are no longer with us. Those who stood by MyPPP through thick and thin remain, and I am confident they will lead us to greater heights," he said, adding that the next party general election was scheduled for 2028.

The Registrar of Societies deregistered MyPPP on Jan 14, 2019, following a leadership tussle between the late Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D'Cruz and Tan Sri M. Kayveas. 

The crisis ended on April 11 last year when the Home Ministry approved MyPPP's appeal against deregistration and confirmed the validity of the MyPPP supreme council, which had elected D'Cruz as its president.

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