
#SHOWBIZ: Up close and personal with 'Salam Baitullah'

The long-running spiritual programme Salam Baitullah continues to educate and inform with its sixteenth edition in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha celebrations.

This time, the show which airs on RTM has moved out of the studio to get closer to the people.

RTM director-general Datuk Suhaimi Sulaiman said that this step would further popularise Salam Baitullah.

"Season 16 of the show proves that this programme has a lasting appeal based on the feedback we received. With capable presenters, we will continue to strive to give the people the best.

"By taking this programme out of the studio and bringing it closer to the people, I think this effort will only serve to make it even more popular," he said.

Suhaimi added: "We're not always in the studio. So, when the production is filming outside, people can get closer to the RTM brand."

"It's a casual and intimate approach. For example for this season, we have filmed sessions at the Putrajaya Mosque compound," he said.

According to Suhaimi, RTM's audience has also grown higher as nowadays its viewing platform is not only confined to TV screens but also in the online realm via RTMKlik which is accessible through the website or application.

"In production, there is always a backup plan. It doesn't matter where or when but we are always ready.

"The next target for us is to accumulate 1.5 million viewers from the previous million because Salam Baitullah can also be watched on RTMKlik.

"We collaborate with a lot of stars from neighboring countries as well since we share the same language which is one of our shared strengths.

"In Negeri Sembilan recently, there was a programme with three related countries, including Brunei and Indonesia," he said.

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