
Nilai bullies force schoolmate to ingest poison

SEREMBAN: Amid the recent spate of reported bullying cases, another has emerged. This time, a 15-year-old male student from a school in Nilai was forced to drink poison by his schoolmates.

The case came to light when the victim’s 42-year-old father filed a police report here earlier today.

According to the police report, the victim had gone to his father at his workplace on Wednesday, complaining of stomach ache and vomiting.

The teenager informed his father that he had been forced to drink poison by a group of students after he had scolded them for inhaling glue.

Angered, the group of students held him down, and forced the poison down his throat. The incident was said to have taken place behind some shophouses in Nilai.

The following day, the victim complained of a sore throat and stomach ache, and was initially taken to a health clinic in Nilai, after which he was sent to the Hospital Tuanku Jaafar here. The victim is being treated at the Red Zone Emergency Unit.

The case is currently being investigated under Section 328 of the Penal Code for causing hurt with poison ingestion. No arrest has been made.

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