
#Showbiz: SMDX apologises over 'Dolla' issue

KUALA LUMPUR: A member of new Sabahan pop group SMDX, Elle, has apologised following her statement of not knowing who popular local act Dolla was which went viral recently. 

The 22-year-old artiste, whose full name is Elle Thong, admitted her mistake and takes this as a lesson to improve herself as a newbie in the entertainment industry, according to a Harian Metro report today.

"I did not intend to humiliate anyone or act arrogant.

"I apologise to anyone who was offended.

"As a new person in the industry, I know there are many things to learn.

"I also accept all criticism and I will try to improve myself," she said.

The apology was made after her management, XIOKK Entertainment, issued a statement to answer issues involving SMDX, recently.

In the official statement, its managing director, Prashan Chitty, admitted the mistake but was upset with the bullying methods and abuse directed at SMDX.

"We promise to improve our ways.

"However, our company will not accept any bullying and abusive tactics to embarrass our artistes.

"We apologise for having to remove all comments that contain such sentiments.

"We are here just to learn and create," he said.

The statement also added that the management had taken note of the issue of the group's revealing appearance.

Earlier, Elle received harsh criticism from Netizens after being described as 'arrogant' when answering questions via a live session on TikTok.

Elle also received brickbats for not paying attention to the criticism about the way she dresses and the 'Original Sabahan' song which was not an original song but a tune by Hezron of Atmosfera.

Aside from Elle, SMDX also consists of Crystal Vanessa John, 23, and Deveygrayc, 24.

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