
#SHOWBIZ: Actor Muntazar to marry next year

ACTOR Muntazar Ghufran, 21, will tie the knot with Saidah Kamarudin, who is seven years older.

Muntazar said he was ready to step into the next phase of his life after a year of getting to know her.

The two got engaged on May 25 and are expected to marry next year.

"We started dating in January last year. Although I'm only 21 and there's quite an age gap between us, I feel that that does not determine happiness in a relationship.

"For me, age is just a number, but what makes me interested in getting to know her is her maturity, as well as the ease of connecting and communicating.

"God willing, I plan to get married next year because ever since I was in high school, I have wanted to get married in 2025," he told 'Harian Metro'.

He added that despite receiving negative comments on social media about his love for an older woman, he had managed to prove that their relationship was serious.

"Some said I'm too young to get engaged and we're not compatible, but I'm determined to marry her.

"I'm thankful to have the support and blessing from both our families.

"Even though they were at first surprised by this decision, they were happy when I wanted to legalise our relationship as soon as possible.

"As for my mother, she knows that I'm independent and that I know what I want in life. So she gave me the green light and I'm happy."

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