
#SHOWBIZ: Having our showers simultaneously is a 'lovey dovey' ritual — Dini Schatzmann

KUALA LUMPUR: Malbatt: Misi Bakara star Dini Schatzmann has revealed that the key to a happy marriage is "having his daily shower" at the same time as his wife.

Dini said this at the first anniversary of his marriage to actress Janna Nick at a hotel here yesterday.

In his confession which moved Janna to tears, Dini said that their "lovey dovey" ritual was always done before prayer time.

"We record a lot of sweet moments and upload them on social media. But there are many more moments that people don't see because we don't share them," said Dini.

"I also brush my wife's hair before we go to bed. If we don't do this routine, our lives feel incomplete."

Dini also said that Janna planned to further her studies later and had encouraged him to do the same.

The anniversary dinner was attended by artistes Datuk Afdlin Shauki, Erma Fatima, Nora Danish, Umi Nazeera, Awal Ashaari, Scha Alyahya, Diana Danielle, Emma Maembong, Nazim Othman, Keith Foo, Puteri Sarah Liyana and Sherry Alhadad.

Dini and Janna were married at a luxury resort in Langkawi on June 10 last year.

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