
#SHOWBIZ: Adriana Adnan takes to podcasting

Actress and host Adriana Adnan is excited to be exploring the realm of podcasting.

The 29-year-old former 'Hlive' host said she enjoys honing her hosting and interviewing skills via her first podcast show, 'Ruang Terbuka'.

She finds it more relaxing to run a podcast since her hosting style is not constrained due to the more open concept.

"Compared to hosting the more formal 'Helo Doktor' programme on TV3, I get a different satisfaction with 'Ruang Terbuka'.

"I get to delve into and discuss many topics, including those more personal to me.

"This is one of the things that makes a podcast feel closer to anyone following it, as it goes deeper into someone's life story," she said in a recent 'Harian Metro' report.

As someone who enjoys chatting with people, Adriana said she wanted to continue hosting after leaving 'HLive', so the idea for 'Ruang Terbuka' was a natural step.

"I envision 'Ruang Terbuka' to be a place where everyone feels comfortable sharing their stories, no matter who they are.

"We live in a world full of varying views and stories, so this would be a 'safe space' for people to share what they feel and experience.

"I do everything myself so that I can control the concept and direction of the conversation," Adriana added.

The podcast has been streaming new episodes every Wednesday, at 5pm, on her YouTube channel since March 23.

The 'Suri Hati' drama series actress is not worried about the mushrooming of local podcasts in recent times or the competition.

"It's good because it will give the community more options. This field is growing rapidly," she said.

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