Crime & Courts

Govt dept director arrested by MACC allegedly received RM100k in bribes over 3 years

KOTA BARU: The director of a government department, who was arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) yesterday, had allegedly received bribes from the department's clients in instalments since three years ago.

Sources revealed that the bribes the 58-year-old director received amounted to tens of thousands of ringgit.

The director, the sources said, had received the payments as an inducement for facilitating the approval of contract work for his department.

"The department, which is located in Kota Baru, has been awarded various projects over the past years.

"This director is believed to have approved the projects for several clients and was paid the bribes in return.

"What the MACC knows as of yesterday is that the man has allegedly accepted about RM100,000 from his clients.

"But that amount might be greater as the MACC is still probing the case," the sources said.

The sources said there would not be any new arrests related to the case at the moment.

"So far, the MACC has only arrested the director, as the commission believes only he was involved in this wrongdoing," the sources added.

It is learnt that the MACC started its probe into this case following several complaints they received from the public.

Yesterday, the director was arrested by the MACC when he was called to the state MACC office here to have his statement recorded.

He is now under MACC remand for two days, beginning today, to assist investigations into the case.

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