Crime & Courts

School dorms catch fire in Kuala Nerang, all students safe

PADANG TERAP: Two dormitory units at SMK Kuala Nerang caught fire this morning as students were about to start their first day of school after the Hari Raya Aidiladha holidays.

The incident did not involve any casualties, as morning session students were in assembly, while afternoon session students were participating in sport activities.

Kuala Nerang Fire and Rescue Station chief Mohd Aminuddin Mad Khozali said fire engines were despatched after the department received a call about the incident at approximately 7.37am.

"Upon arrival, we found that two dormitory rooms on the third floor were on fire. The fire also affected a storage room and a bathroom.

"An estimated 90 per cent of the dormitory units was damaged, but there were no casualties.

"The firefighting operation involved two engines and the fire was brought under control by 7.55am," he said when contacted today.

Meanwhile, a source said he incident was initially noticed by teachers who were reciting Yassin in one of the school blocks.

After seeing the smoke from the dormitory block, the teachers rushed to the scene to investigate and immediately called emergency services.

He said the school's dormitory housed 120 students and the fire had affected the dormitory rooms of about 20 male students.

"At the time of the incident, morning session students were just beginning their school day, while afternoon session students were engaged in recreational activities. We are grateful that there were no casualties.

"The school is currently awaiting a report to determine whether other dormitory units in the block are still safe for occupancy.

"It is understood that the electricity supply to the first and second floors of the dormitory building is unaffected, but the decision on whether the dormitory is still safe depends on the fire and fire department's report," he said.

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