
Penang reports outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis

GEORGE TOWN: Penang has reported two cases of Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in the locality of Sungai Bakap, in the Seberang Prai Selatan district.

The last case of JE in the state was detected in 2018.

The state Health Department said all health facilities have been put on alert to track down new JE cases, particularly in Sungai Bakap and the Seberang Prai Selatan district, to halt the outbreak.

"Health facilities will immediately report any suspected cases to the District Health Office to control the spread of the outbreak," it said in a statement.

Staff from the Seberang Prai Selatan District Health Office will begin active case detection through house-to-house visits within the affected locality.

They will also track down individuals with fever and neurological symptoms such as headaches, fainting, disorientation, coma, paralysis, loss of coordination and cramps, among others, since May 12.

"Since this is a mosquito-borne disease, all mosquito breeding grounds in the affected locality will be destroyed. (We will also conduct) fogging and larvaecide spraying to break the chain of infection," it added.

The state Health Department also advised people to take precautionary measures to stop the spread of the disease.

"Conduct gotong royong to keep your housing area clean.

"Also, adopt the 3C concept – avoid crowded and confined spaces and close conversation.

"The people should also cooperate by allowing health authorities to conduct checks and fogging in their houses, and to seek immediate treatment if they show any symptoms," it said.

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