KUALA LUMPUR: A SJKC student's happy birthday dance to his classmate won the hearts of many and garnered praises among the public after his teacher posted a video of the heartwarming scene on TikTok.
The Chinese primary school boy could be seen singing and showing impressive dance moves as the whole class sang 'Happy Birthday' in Mandarin to a female Malay student seen in the viral online video.
Teacher Elden Chan on his TikTok post shared the caption, "He is singing a birthday song to his Malay sweetheart".
The female student could also be seen laughing shyly as those surrounding her showcased affection, celebrating her special day.
The short but touching video drew positive reactions from online users with one noting, "We miss this kind of environment, true children of the nation".
Another user noted, "It's situations like this that we have to preserve, harmony in various settings… We should be proud to be Malaysian born."
Some have even referenced the scene to the Petronas advertisement directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad, which saw the innocent puppy love between two primary students, Tan Hong Ming and Ummi Khazriena.